Exciting Day! Self-Care for Exhausted Mamas E-book is Out!

I’ve been working hard on this e-Book “Self-Care for Exhausted Mamas” for the past few months and today is the day I finally get to share it with the world. My intention with this e-book is that you will be empowered as women and mothers to thrive in your mothering, to get rid of exhaustion and burnout, and become the mother you were meant to be. This plan is not only beautiful, but has tons of strategies, and practical tools to help you define the motherhood that works for you and to stop your energy leaks. If you are tired of perfectionist and toxic burnout mom culture, and long for a kind of mothering that fully embodies who you are without draining you, helps you embrace self-compassion, has easy self-care tips, then this e-book is for you! Please visit my website to subscribe to my newsletter and download your free copy today!

Also, today Motherly magazine has published an article I wrote: “How I Told My Toddler About My Miscarriage,” which is full of practical tips to explain miscarriage to young children.

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